Debugging BME280 usermod which reads all zeros from the chip

Dear all,
I’ve got into a wired situation. I have connected BME280 board to ESP8266 and tuned it as following:

It worked well, sending the metrics update to HomeAssistant:

2023-03-19 20:50:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=sensor.wled_pressure, old_state=<state sensor.wled_pressure=1016.1; unit_of_measurement=hPa, device_class=pressure, friendly_name=Front door pressure @ 2023-03-19T20:45:43.186493+01:00>, new_state=<state sensor.wled_pressure=1018.6; unit_of_measurement=hPa, device_class=pressure, friendly_name=Front door pressure @ 2023-03-19T20:50:43.177354+01:00>>

but out of the sudden (after reboot / power down) the readings are zeros:

No rewiring or firmware update took place. Further WLED rebooting didn’t help.
When I was playing with the mod I took advantage from reading the log from serial (and beforehand I’ve compiled the firmware with -D WLED_DEBUG), but now the board is put in a place which is hard to reach so I cannot connect to the serial.
Any idea what could go wrong and how to debug further the issue?