Arduino Nano IoT 33 and WLED

Hello, I’m quite new to electronics and was searching tutorial or something what could help to use WLED app with Arduino Nano Iot, but did not found anything. Maybe someone could share some tips? I downloaded Aircoookie-WLED and tried to upload wled00 arduino file to my Arduino Iot, but ETH.h is missing… Actually, I don’t know what to do next, so any tips would be helpful. Thanks!

Hi, I would also be interested in using an Arduino Nano IoT 33.
Goal is to use the IMU of the Arduino to make some cool effects.
Help much appreciated

If you use VS Code and Platform IO, you can get relatively close with the WLED code written specifically for ESP8266 & ESP32. Just have to go through the process of mapping the memory, figuring out whether the Arduino device has a compatible file system (or going with an older version of WLED before the file system), and scaling it according to the available resources of your specific arduino device.

WLED was not written with an arduino in mind. If you are on using an Arduino, you can surely find other similar open source applications on github or other online source that are meant for arduino devices. That would save a lot of time getting it working, and might be enough for whatever you might have in mind.

Either way, I recommend VS Code and Platform IO plug-in to help you achieve your goals more easily and with less frustration.

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WLED would require quite a few changes to work on a non-ESP platform, essentially the entire network and webserver handling would need to be replaced with the respective libraries available for the Nano 33 IoT. Other parts like the effect functions should work without modification.

Despite the limited amount of memory (256k flash, 32k RAM), due to WiFi being handled by a separate u-blox controller, I believe it might be feasible to port WLED to the Nano 33 IoT, which would provide a nice alternative to the ESP-only ecosystem, even if likely not with the full feature set. I do not currently have time to attempt this, but I would certainly be intrigued if you pulled it off!

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Thank you all for advices and information!

I decided to design a super small esp32 board with imu myself.
I ordered it right now… hopefully it works ;).