Bugs.. help report please

I am not sure if this is the correct place to report bugs to be seen and prioritized for correction. If someone here knows where/how to get that done for these items I appreciate the assistance.

I have tested both of the following items in 14, 15 release as well as 16 alpha. This is not hardware reliant, as I have used/tested with four different hardware builds and I am confident of that because of the number of different devices I am testing with.

In the app when I switch between devices/instances/nodes the name at the top of the app does not match what you are using, example I use device “wall left” and switch to “wall right” and it still shows “wall left” but controls wall right. I am always having to check nodes to determine which one I am actually about to change.

Data from some effects settings do not get received with sync unless you turn on segment options and that does not seem to be the correct sync item that data should go with as it clearly is effect data.

Thank you in advance for any assistance!

Sorry, one more. I addressed this as a request in another post, but I think this is a bug and does not work as expected.

Sending a API command from a preset to another wled device seems to work, but also changes the local device as well. Just to be clear “device b” wled with this preset on it will send to “device” and “device” changes, but so does “device b” and that is where it is a bug.

Reporting bugs is done on Github. You may discuss what you think is a bug here freely.
Not everything is a bug, though.

  1. that’s for app, not WLED
  2. did you select all desired segments? only selected segments sync
  3. it is not foreseen to control one WLED device from another viy HTTP API, only UDP sync
  • GitHub wled report for that, or somewhere else?
  • I only want it to change the selected segments, but the concern is that it should be effect related as all of the properties from the other sliders send with effects.
  • I now see why the second device also changed. I had sync on during that testing. I see use for sending API from presets, so that is now a suggestion for improvement.

Thank you for your feedback and assistance.