Chaos on Hoshi

Ok, so slight back story. Lead up to Bonfire Night/Halloween I was trying to get my light project sorted.

Having completed section 2 of my fence wiring I was disappointed to see the whole section was glitching like crazy. Frustratingly it worked fine ‘on the bench’.

Initially I concluded the cable was too long, and some querk had allowed it to work when I was experimenting indoors.

Anyway I noticed that if I turned the other segment off, this new segment started with working. This obviously meant it wasn’t cable length and something else was miss.

I switch the esp in the outdoor project with the one of been using ‘on the bench’ and it works perfectly.

There were fundamentally 2 differences, the hardware and the wled version… One had latest rc of Kosen, the other had the latest stable - Hoshi.

I decided to wait until after Christmas before experimenting further.

This weekend I upgraded this ‘working’ esp with 15.0 Kosen… The the flickering and glitching returned with it… I restored to Hoshi 14.3.

I have investigated no further - just relieved it is working again as the display is quite a crowd pleaser!

3 outputs driving 2 sk6812 lengths and 1 ws281x.

Still reading?

Any help?!??

What power supply/wiring/levleshifter?
What length and count of LEDs?
What GPIO(s)?

Have you tried physically removing data connections - take it down to 1 at a time to try and eliminate GPIO(s) that cause issues?