Concentric Circles

I have made a lamp which is basically a series of concentric circles.
I want waves of colour to flow from the centre out to the edges but I’m not sure the best way to program it.
I’ve tried adding dummy pixels in software to make each ring the same number of LED’s and then making a segment for each one.
I can get some good effects like this but not exactly what I’m looking for without a lot of fiddling!
I want to treat each ring as 1 pixel and the whole lamp as a string of 5 pixels. I think!

Try grouping in segment settings.

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Yeah so then I have for example, 5 segments in groups of 12.

But how do I get a pattern to show across all segments? Eg a chase from inner to outer?

There are a few ways to think of your setup in WLED.
For the sake of example I’ll imagine a setup of 5 rings that have 20 LEDs each (I realize concentric rings would have increasing #'s as you move out, but this is a simplification) for a total of 100.

  1. Create a single segment that includes all the 100 LEDS grouped by 20 and spaced by 0.
    LEDs 0-19 are Ring1, 20-39 are Ring2 … up to 80-99 for Ring5. If you apply a Sweep effect to this segment, it will light consecutive rings as you’d expect.

  2. Create 5 separate segments that each group 20 LEDS, but each segment starts 20 LEDs higher than the last.
    In order to get the “Sweep” effect to work, we have to create a playlist of 5 presets that cycles each segment individually.

Option 2 is more intensive in terms of the work you have to do to get the effect you want, but you have specific control of each ring separately. I think its also the way you’ll have to address the real world issue of rings that have different sizes.

This sounds similar to the usermod created for “Stairway strips” that lights stair strips in sequence.
You may find some useful info if you search in the forum.

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Thanks that’s really helpful.
I’ve actually created extra dummy pixels in WLED. So say I have 20 in outer ring, then 18, then 12, then 8, then 4. I’ve told WLED I have 100 LEDS - 20 in each ring - and created an Ledmap so the each ring only lights the correct pixels.
It works really well. Still slightly struggling to find effects which smoothly blend from one pixel to the next but there are a few!
I haven’t actually tried option 2 - not sure I need it now!