Connecting rice lights

Hi. I’d like to use something like these

I think their called rice lights which come in up to 10m lengths. They seem to only be available with a USB plug on. My question is how would I connect these to the nodemcu/power? Thanks

@Quindor just did a write-up on those I think.

Be careful there is 2 types of similar looking strings. One is WS2812B and another one is unknown type with strange behavior. Quindor using first type.

I did indeed just do a write up to go with the videos I made last year about using them in my Christmas tree, you can find it here! They are quite nice looking! :smiley:


Hi! I love these myself! In your aliexpress link there is also a variant without the USB controller (it is the sixth variant for me), that is the correct one to use with WLED/ESPs. It has the standard 3pin JST connector just about any WS2812B strip uses and they also throw in a spare connector to screw/solder to your board :slight_smile:


Excellent. Thanks so much for advice.