Custom WLed project

I want to use an ESP 32 to control a WS2812B Led strip using Bluetooth and make it sound reactive by passing Bluetooth audio from a phone.
ESP 32 will have an Audio output through aux that will connect a speaker. Can anyone help me out here as i am completely new to WLed. @ALDIY

WLED does not have bluetooth. The bluetooth functionality of the Esp is disabled. There are not enough resources to use it. You can however send bluetooth audio from your phone to a bluetooth receiver board connected to the Esp32, wired as if it were a Line In - Input. This is something that @ALDIY has done in the past. Here is his diagram of the setup.

Could please tell me what is that circuit between the BT Module and esp32

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Resistors and Capacitors


Ceramic Capacitors:

You don’t need the TRS jack part, unless you want line-in audio option.

Hi so I attempted the project and made the circuit but the Sound reactive part is not working at all l. I tried 2 different bluetooth modules also the line in function but there is no output on the led strip