D1 Mini's refuse to flash

I have several Wemos D1 Mini dev boards and none of them will flash. I tried at least 5 different ones. I also tried on another computer and still nothing. ESP flasher tool doesn’t work.
The online installer just hangs.
ESP Flasher tool says:

Uploading stub…
Running stub…
Stub running…
Changing baud rate to 115200
NO XMC flash detected!
crc_efuse_4bit: 0
crc_calc_4bit: 13

is stub and send flash finish

And I know one of them works because it is already flashed. It boots into a different OS and I can see that AP

I can however flash to an ESP32 without issue. I am wondering if there is something systematically wrong with serial chip/driver the D1 mini uses. The ESP32 dev board I have uses a different chip.

Where would you go from here?


Some of the MCUs flashed correctly from here https://wled-install.github.io/

For flashing tools might be best to use esptool or this flasher WLED-wemos-shield/resources/Firmware/WLED_ ESP_Flasher at master · srg74/WLED-wemos-shield · GitHub and the bins in the same repo.

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That worked instantly. Thank you so very much! It is already flashed and ready to go!

I am so relieved to have at least figured out it isn’t my system.

Not your system , some of the boards will give you a bit of headache , ( even worst some will not flash at all expect with certain process or certain firmware ) . If you face such issues in the future then might be try multiple method but the only real standard method is using esptool and even with that you need to sometimes tweak for a certain boards .