I’ve attached a copy of my current configuration. Using this setup, all 3 strips work fine up to 150 pixels. The 168 pixel string fails to light the remaining 18 pixels unless I manually change the configuration in LED preferences and resave it. This happens every time I power on the controller.
I tried setting it up as a continuous string (i.e. offsetting each LED output by the correct # of pixels) and then using segments but that has a different issue. While all pixels now light up, the 2nd and 3rd segments have smaller LED groups and a slower frame rate. This is very noticeable with the Candy Cane effect which, as you might imagine, is popular this time of year.
So, I’m stuck with either a smooth frame rate with the last 18 pixels dark, or 3 segments where two of them are noticeably different (slower and shorter color groups). I’m struggling to find the configuration that resolves all the issues. Please help!
Relevant info: this is an ESP32 module with WLED v0.13.3 installed.