E1.31 Effect Segment mode not available


I’m trying to make a DMX controlled setup (through E1.31 / Art-Net controlled by QLC+) and i want to make different segments to have their own set of DMX channels. In the documentation i read there should be a “Effect Segment” mode in the “Sync settings”, but i do not see that option in the dropdown menu for the DMX mode in the “Sync Interfaces” menu.
Does anyone maybe know how to make that option available?

  • using version 0.14.0-b1

Also the channels that are listed in the documentation are a little different than what i get in “Effect Mode”. Channel 6 is not “Effect Option” but is the “Red Primary” and from there on the channels are on number lower than what is listed in the documentation. So I have a total of 14 channels working. I Don’t know if that is related to this issue, but i thougt to mention it anyway.

thanks in advance

You are on an old build , first thing is test the latest build from here WLED installation (wled-install.github.io)