Esp 8266 flasher serial noise or corruption error

I have been trying to flash a D1 Mini esp8266 board with the esphome flasher tool on Mac but has been giving me this error code.

Using ‘/dev/cu.usbserial-FTB6SPL3’ as serial port.
Unexpected error: ESP Chip Auto-Detection failed: Failed to connect to Espressif device: Serial data stream stopped: Possible serial noise or corruption.
For troubleshooting steps visit: GitHub - espressif/esptool: Espressif SoC serial bootloader utility

I have tried using the web WLED installer but I seems to get stuck at the same place.
I have also tried additional boards that I bought together as well as different cables and mac laptops.

Has anyone encountered this problem or know what is going on and how to fix it?

I’m also having the same issue, with what appears to be the same board/chip (FTB6SPL3).
Did you ever find a fix?

Found the fix for mine, sharing for others.
I found this site and it mentioned jumping D3 to ground, then trying. That worked! It worked with WLED browser flasher and the actual ESPFlasher.