ESP wifi range

Hi Chris,

if I see this correct on the Picture, you did connect the LED data to D2 (that’s GPIO9 on this particular board) but you need to connect it on the other side on p the pin labled with “2” (that’s GPIO 2).

Then I’m not sure if the 2nd pin from left (next to the 5V pin) is really connected to Ground - there are several versions where this is the “CMD” pin (for flashing purposes).
So you could try to use the 6th pin from the left - this is definetely a ground pin.

And: yes, you do not use a capacitor yet, but you SHOULD :slight_smile:

In some cases a 47 uF tantal capacitor is enough, but I recommend using a 1000 uF electrolyth capacitor (be aware that you need to connect “+” to “+” and “-” to “-”).

ESP8266 are not that “choosy” when you connect them to an external power supply, but ESP32 are.
So use a “big” power supply (no phone charger or something similar small).

That should work … :slight_smile:

Why not try this as a quick fix on your D1 mini’s. You may get better results

  1. Cut the two pieces of track with a knife blade marked with blue dots.
  2. Solder two bits of wire 31-32mm on the pcb track shown with the red lines.

That’s it, a simple 2-3db 1/2 wave dipole antenna that should perform much better.

ESP 8266 test


Those two links are worth their weight in gold – actually more, because they probably don’t weigh much. Unfortunately, I can’t tell how much PCBs cost on PCBWay. Do I need an account to see the cost?

Actually you don’t have to open any account. When you choosing right parameters for your PCB just click “recalculate”. Fixed price for 10 PCB is $5.