Esp32-c3-12f installation complete not going to wifi setup

wled install to esp32-c3-12f installation complete not going to wifi setup.

Hey users. I had ordered these boards in from a company called Lonely Binary. They rocked up today and I simply cannont get to the WiFi setup stage after installation complete. It actually goes back to the install dialog box again and doesn’t sense the software has been installed.

I looked at the logs and it seems to be in some sort of loop.

I have tried the ESP32-C3 installer off the page for versions 0.14.0-b4 and 14.0-b5.

I’m on a MAC so I can’t seem to find anything suitable to even try to flash the boards, plus I’m no programmer.

I’ve attached the images of the boards for reference.

C3 is still experimental and only a few dev boards have been tested by developers.
You may need to use PlatofrmIO and compile sources by yourself after modifying build environment to suit your board.

Bugger, thought I was being a bit ahead of the game. I’ll stash them in the use for later drawer.

Do not expect too much from C3. In many ways it is similar to ESP8266 except for faster CPU, more RAM and more GPIO. Unfortunately only 3 are available for LEDs.