
Unable to flash bin file to esp32s2.
Tried many ways but when unit reboots and I look on serial monitor I can see the file is not stable.

Not working with esp32s2 yet.

Thanks for reply, I have searched on web and there are many who have bought from mouser and other outlets to use with wled, would be great if support could be soon for the esp32s2.

Esp32s2 is very new and unfinished controller. As of right now it have to gain support of many libraries used by projects. As soon it will gain ground WLED developers will be happy to support new controller.

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Hello , I just build an ESP32S2 board and would like to use WLED. Is this micro supported now ? if not, by when do you think it might be supported ?

Thanks for the information!

Still not fully supported due to lack of compatible libraries. You can test dev build WLED-wemos-shield/esp32s2_saola.bin at master · srg74/WLED-wemos-shield · GitHub