Final few words regarding ESP32 ETH01 1.4

It’s half past two in the morning, so the text will be brief - I have almost no strength left. So today, from about lunch until this time, I tried to start, apparently, a WT32 clone. I flashed it relatively easily (considering my further efforts), the access point worked - beauty. But after selecting the network adapter in the WiFi settings - nothing. No reaction from the ethernet port. Needless to say, I tried everything that I found here and on the Internet for more than ten hours - all in vain. Then, to make sure that the port was working, I installed something like “tasmota” - I didn’t really delve into what it was, but it also did not see the port. In the end, I installed ESP easy Mega - and on the tenth try, the lights on the port finally blinked. However, the router still did not see the port.

Conclusion - this is just awful. Everything works fine on WiFi, the signal is stable. But the port was cut off :frowning: It’s a shame.

I am having the same problem with this particular board. I have over 50 of the original one never had problems connecting, only this newer or (clone) one.

Not an expert on these boards by any means, although I’ve got about 1/2 dozen of some older models.

I do seem to recall a general “help” issue about tying a 4.7uF cap from enable to ground?

The only other suggestion had to do with the path used for an internal 50Mhz clock pin??

Those are just hazy remembrances on my part - maybe they’ll prompt some ideas/questions?