Flickering but only on third output

I have a problem with my bid pixel matrix. I build a matrix with 15 x 16x16 matrix.
I use a ESp32 with 14.4 hosi an Soundreactive. 70A 5V power supply.

I can run the matrix very perfect with 10 of 15.
I use two outputs an each one has 1280 leds. It works without any problems.

But when I add a third segment, I got a very bad flickering on this segment.

I testes many things an reduced the number of LED’s but still flickering with three segments.
When each segment have only 512 LED’s still flickering on the third segment.
For sure I checked different pins one the ESP but all the time I have this Problem.

Does anyone have an idea?
Thanx very much

Have you tried changing the GPIO used for the 3rd output?

I would also try moving up to 0.15.0, there were a number of output issues remedied with 0.15.

Yes i used different Pins for the third Output but nothing chanced. The wires are very short and I don’t have a voltage dropdown.

First I tested two Outputs with 512 LED’s → works great
Next, two Outputs with 768 LED’s each Output → works great
Next, two Outputs with 1024 LED’s each Output → works great
An two Outputs with 1280 LED’s each Output → still great.

Added the third Output.
Three Outputs with 256 LED’s each Output → works great
Three Outputs with 512 LES’s each Output → flickering on third Output.

But thanx for the tip with 15.0.