Help! My Digquad is running, but I no longer have access to it

My Digquad stopped being online. I go into the app and it appears to be offline. I searched all of the devices on my router to see if it got a new IP address, but don’t see any new devices in there. I had the app scan for new lights, but it hasn’t found any. The lights are still coming on as per schedule, and turning off when they should, but I will need to change the program after Christmas. Is it possible that the wireless card has stopped working? I tried turning it off for a bit and turning it back on, but still cant see it. Is there a way for me to access the program directly without using the wireless card?

Check to see if the AP was launched.

Sorry, it is painfully obvious that I am a NOOB with this. What is an AP, and how would I go about checking that?

See getting started.