Help! ws2812b - esp-wroom-32 cp2102

Hey everyone! My issue is driving me nuts!

I have an ESP-WROOM-32 with a CP2102 chip, and I’m trying to connect it directly to a WS2812B (5V), but the LEDs won’t light up. I’ve checked everything with a multimeter, and there don’t seem to be any issues. The ground, 5V, and control pin are all properly connected to GPIO2.

I’ve attached some pictures of my setup for reference. Any ideas?

As a new member i cannot upload images to the post so here is the link to the folder

If that’s how you’re connecting your wires to the LEDs, you probably won’t get more than 3 or 4 to light up properly.

You need to solder those connections for a proper hookup.
You also might try to move the GPIO pin to 16, both on the ESP and in WLED.

Make sure you’re connecting to DIn end of the LED strip.
At some point you’re probaly going to need a proper levelshifter.

Thank you so much for your prompt response!
I followed your advice, flipped the LED strip, soldered everything, and connected it to the external power source (instead of through the Type-C). Now it works perfectly!

here is the result.

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Glad you got it up and running :sunglasses:

Keep having fun and come back if you have more questions!