Power supply is connected to the controller and LEDs and I’m using GPIO16 for data connection.
I have no resistor/diode/capacitor added it’s all directly connected.
The LEDs power on but everything seems to be wrong.
for example:
LEDs that should be black/off are showing as green.
I only rarely get the color I select as solid color for all LEDs. (Red is blue and yellow displays as almost white).
The weirdest part is that changing the hue also changes the color - e.g. going from red to blue.
I have tried every possible color order combination (WS281X). Some are better than other but no combination really works.
That was my thought too. But they said “I have tried every possible color order combination”. So I’m out of good ideas. If they went through all color order options, most other causes would not be displaying solid colors with no flashing. Having the automatic brightness limiter on with a value too low for the number of LEDs could drop the brightness to a level it couldn’t faithfully reproduce colors. El0, can you plug these lights into a different controller? Maybe an actual controller with level shifter.
I can’t explain what is happening here - I just played around with the settings.
I changed those options last, because it explicitly recommends to set it exactly the other way around.
With the settings on default no RGB order was working - after changing the options there was a RGB order that was fitting.
As explained in the first post I also had different colors when changing the brightness.
The color went from e.g. red to blue when only changing the brightness …
If you’re just using the standard WS281x protocol, that doesn’t sound typical at all.
Now that you know the correct colour combo, might be worth a full wipe and reflash.
You could try the alternate install site: WLED-Github install just to use a different path than last time.