Launch light effect every hour with a duration of 5 minutes

Hello everyone. I have to emulate the Eiffel Tower lights effect. So I need to set the LEDs to “glitter” every hour and then turn them off after 5 minutes. This will happen 24/7.

What is the best way to achieve this? Is it possible with WLED (please say yes!)

You’ll have to play with a number of the effects to get they “flashing sparkle” you want, at the speed you want.

As far as the 5 minutes every hour, that’s what playlists are for.
Create a preset with your desired effect, and another with everything off.
Create a playlist that calls your effect for 5 minutes, then calls the off preset for 60 minutes.
Set the playlist to repeat indefinitely.

Thanks @divsys !!

Is it possible to sync the playlist to the actual time? That is, I want to trigger the glitter effect a 8PM, 9PM, 10PM, etc. It seems the playlist will work but not synced with the actual time.

And one more question, if I divide my LED strip in multiple segments… ¿can I create a different playlist for each of the segments? I didn’t see that option in the menus.

You can use the Time controlled presets under Config->Time & Macros to launch your playlist at a specific time of day. As there are only eight slots available, you could create your playlist to play for 3 hours and then end. The Time controlled presets would be used to fire your playlist at 12:00, 03:00, 06:00, etc. You should be able to tune the playlist to pretty accurately match the “hours” for 180 minutes.

Different playlists for different segments will be a matter of experimenting, it will work better with some effects than others. You just choose the segment select checkmark before you apply the effect. You can also experiment with saving via the JSON-API which will give you much finer control with what effect goes where in a preset.

For all of this I would recommend an ESP32 based board and a recent version of WLED (0.14+)

Impressive help. Thanks @divsys.