Led strip turns on and off (on a cron basis?)

KeeYees Development Board WiFi WLAN Wireless Module for ESP8266 for NodeMCU for ESP-12E for Arduino (3pc) (cant put link so pasting title from amazon)

running 0.10.2 (for now) - running defaults (this is a test strip just to learn everything)

everything seems to work fine, but about every 12 hours it will toggle the on/off state of the led
for example … I turn the strip on right before bed … around 12? hours later, it turns off … then roughly 12? hours later again, it turns on …
and even flipped … i turn the lights off right before bed … around 12? hours later they turn on …
(when i mean turn off, i hit the power icon in the browser/app)

it seems to be on a cron? but the Time & Macros all seems to be off?
I just can’t seem to figure it out … is it configuration, overheating (the LEDs are NOT hot to the touch), or what …

any advice?

Now it’s in presets. https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/wiki/HTTP-request-API + https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/wiki/Presets

I guess what I am saying, is … its doing it out of the box, and I didn’t configure it to … how do I make it stay on all the time until I manually turn it off …

(Update - updated to 0.11 to see if that changes anything)