LED's keep blinking, what should i do?

I have WLED installed on a ESP8266 NodeMCU, with regular Dupont cables connected to some wago’s which connect to some 26 AWG cables and they connect to the LED’s.

My LED’s start blinking sometimes and then i reconnect the cables and reset multiple times until it works.

I have tried reconnecting the wires multiple times. I think i need thicker cables like 18AWG or something like that, but i am not sure

What should i do?

Checkout #5 in the Top 5 WLED issues from the KB.

Remember when you’re designing this:

  • Your power supply should provide power to your LEDs with appropriate wiring.
  • Data supply should provide data to your LEDs with appropriate wiring.
  • Appropriate wiring for power is not the same as that for data and vice versa.

Sounds like you didn’t use the same ground wire for the leds and the esp8266?

@OMG_OT No i did

Tried Some 16 AWG cables. It still nlinks, but not as much

Do up a basic drawing of how you’ve wired this together.
What are you using for a power supply?
How many LEDs, what voltage are they and what type?
How long is the data cable from the ESP8266 to the LEDs?

this is the original

this is with 16 AWG Cables

Ok, that drawing will work,
Can you measure the power supply voltage at the start of your strip and then at the end?
What happens to the blinking if you drop the brightness of your strip down to 40%?
Do have proper control of the RGB colours, they just blink or flicker?

i am going to measure the voltage / Amp but i just reconnected everything and it works perfect with the 16AWG Cables

Likely, a bad connection then.
The original Dupont connectors are famous for that.
Getting the levelshifter(s) is still not a bad idea, eventually you’ll find a need for them especially if your data line gets longer.

nevermind, it blinks white again every 3 seconds. going to measure the voltage and amp tomorrow

If you really have a barrel jack connected. I would remove that and just use the wires. You will melt that if you try to send anything near 10A through it. It will likely fail at 5 or 6A.

I would also do away with the dupont’s and get some male pins and solder wires to them or female w/e your setup requires.