LEDs not turning on at all with wled

Hi Everyone. I am very new to leds and this is my first project. I have 98 ws2182b leds running in a sort of array and they will not work at all. I am using a esp32 with wled on it and am using a usb cable connected to a 5v 3a power supply but I limit the current to 2A. The leds will not turn on at all and I have triple checked everyone connection but still nothing. Can anyone help me?

Also I am using a 62 ohm resistor in the data line

What pin do you use for leds? You could upload photo of your connections, it’s hard to see above

I’m sorry for the crappy photo, I used the d2 pin for the data signal the other was Vin and ground

Upload this code and see if it works:

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>

#define PIN        2
#define NUMPIXELS 98
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  byte r = random(0,60);
  byte g = random(0,60);
  byte b = random(0,60);
  for(int i=0; i<NUMPIXELS; i++) {
    pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(r, g, b));
    pixels.show();   // Send the updated pixel colors to the hardware.
    delay(10); // Pause before next pass through loop
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To the esp32?


Okay then I will try that tomorrow

Just to be sure, did you change the pin in wled config?

Do I have to upload it through arduino ide or can I just use like home flasher?

It’s standard pin 16 I was watching some other tutorials tryna find what I did wrong and they all had he same pin 16 I still tried changing it but no lights sadly

It’s easier through IDE i think

Okay thank you so much I will update you tomorrow

If you don’t have IDE prepared for esp32, add this line to Preferences → Additional Boards Manager URLs:


then pick your board from Tools → Board, Node32s should be okay, if you can’t find yours
and correct port to which your board is connected in Tools → Port,

Also don’t forget to install neopixel library in Tools → Manage Libraries, search for “Adafruit NeoPixel”.

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Alright thank you so much I haven’t used arduino ide before so thanks for telling me what to do :relaxed:

Hi Mikolaj i keep getting this error message can you please help me?

Just jumping in with a small and probably irrelevant question:
Have these LED’s ever produced any light with anything?
Have you double checked that you’re feeding your data to the IN side of the string, not the OUT?

Just checking as you mentioned you’re new to addressable LED’s and that’s a common oooops…

One time I briefly got them to show some light before all the parts came. I am feeding that data into where the original connector is. Here is a pic

Sorry if the pic is crappy quality

remove everything and then paste my code, you have duplicates of functions

Wiring looks reasonable, data goes in at DI and out at DO. Other than maybe simplifying down to one strip, I agree with Mikolaj’s idea. Load up some very simple code to prove you can get an ESP pin to light up some LED’s.

It would be helpful if you could paste complete error message instead of your editor window