is it possible to create a 6x300 matrix/mapping?
I stripped 3 LED-Strips in a row each to a GPIO.
I’m gladefull for your help.
is it possible to create a 6x300 matrix/mapping?
I stripped 3 LED-Strips in a row each to a GPIO.
I’m gladefull for your help.
You can change JSON_BUFFER_SIZE in const.h to 50000 if you face issues
y axis is limited to 255 afaik, some effects are limited to 8bit values as well.
Hello, thank you for your help.
So I created the mapping and uploaded it and saved it.
Do I now have to define a matrix for “2D setup” as well? Or can I leave it on “1D strip”? Because here I can enter a maximum width of 44. In theory I also have the option of selecting the created mapping on the main page, but when I select it it immediately jumps back to “unchanged”
this is my mapping: