Mid Century TV/stereo console

Hello all. Noob here but gaining leanings from using WLED and ESP32’s.
I picked up a nice mid century Tv and stereo cabinet that was already gutted unfortunately but I got it for $60 in great condition. I finally got around to adding a set of Pioneer 6x9’s I had laying around, a cheap Amazon amp since the speakers are 4 ohms, two ESP32 w/INMP441 mics, Raspberry Pi 4 and two WS2812 strips hidden. It all started with remembering a set of speakers my grandparents had that had three bulbs that went to the music.
Not too bad for my first WLED project. I used the MAX4466 mics but they didn’t cut it also a bit to get working properly compared to the INMP441 mics.

I’ve since cleaned up the wiring and made wooden boxes to mount the Esp32’s in