Modify a Cheap USB C RGB Spotlight with ESP

Hello dear community. I’m new here and have a small project for which I need your support.

Of course I have already used the search function, but have not found a suitable post.

I would like to convert a USB C powered RGB spotlight with a WLED module. The spotlight only supports 3 modes: Fade, Auto and Sound.

The goal is to be able to control this spotlight via WLED and operate it with a USB C power bank.

The official instructions from WLED usually mention a level shifter and resistors.

Could someone help me and describe exactly how I can implement my project? I can solder and have basic knowledge.

Unfortunately, as a new user I can only attach one picture.

Thank you very much
Greetings from Germany

Oliver Pulse

That spotlight uses analog LEDs, not addressable, so control is limited to brightness levels of eac channel.

The existing controller is pretty basic and doesn’t look to use an ESP device, so you’re limited as to what can be reused there.
You’re going to need an ESP based controller at least, someone may pop in with a suggestion on something more dedicated to anaolg LEDs.

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Thank you very much for your answer.

I only want to use the LED board. The control board is to be replaced by an ESP.

The question is: Can I connect a USB C power bank to an ESP, which then controls the LED board and supplies it with power?

I would like to operate the LEDs in analog mode.
The LED board has a maximum of 5 watts.

Thank you very much

Need to find out how those LEDs are wired, likely they’re in series so you’ll need a higher voltage supply than 5V, what’s the original thing powered by? My guess would be 12V, with 2 parallel strings of 3 LEDs each on each channel.
Likely the board has common positilve, and you’d need a current-limiting resistor and MOSFET per channel to ground.

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The original spotlight is operated with a USB C power supply unit with 5V and 1A. When I plug my power bank into it, the light works perfectly.

The problem is that the control module only has 3 functions: Fade, Auto and Sound.

I would now like to replace the control module with an ESP so that I can control the colors via app.

Can the ESP operate the LED module without additional resistors? And can the power bank be connected to the ESP via USB C so that the ESP passes the power to the LED board?

In order: Power Bank → ESP → LED Board

Then 5V should be fine and the LEDs are in parallel.

No the resistors are needed since they’re on the control board and not the LED board, seems it uses 33 Ohm ones.

It can, but as mentioned you’ll need extra components between the ESP and LEDs, a MOSFET and the resistors.

See the part of the doc for analog LEDs:

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That is the answer to my project. I will now implement this and report back when I have bought and assembled all the components.

As mentioned, the basic issue you need to discover is if the LED’s are wired in parallel or series.
That will determine what voltage you need to supply the LEDs and the MOSFETs that will drive them.

Whether you need 5V or 12V, you can use a power bank to drive them.
If you need 12V, there are cheap, reliable Boost Converters that will take your 5V input and bring it up to the 12V needed. In fact, many USB power banks already use them as LI-Ion batteries only put out 3.6V and a boost converter is used to bring it up to a constant 5V.

The easiest way to tell if the LEDs are 5V or 12V is with a multimeter.
Measure the resistance from any + pin (anode) on an LED to other + pins on a different LED.
If there’s 0 (or very small) resistance, then the anodes are tied together (in parallel) and the LEDs are 5V.
Best to measure every LED to be sure, it’s possible some are in parallel and some are in series.

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I have now set my multimeter to 200 and obtained an ohm value of 00.2 on each led (Anode +). I tested all the LEDs against each other.

I now assume that all leds are connected in parallel.

Is my project easy to realize after all?

That means the LED’s should be wired as parallel 5V.

You should be able to treat this as a set of standard analog LEDs.
You won’t be able to reuse much (if any) of the original controller board.
There’s no ESP device to try and reprogram.

As mentioned earlier, you’ll need a MOSFET to drive each R,G,B, channel and an ESP based controller to run WLED.

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