More than 10 virtual DDP units?

Scenario - I have an ESP32 main control unit and 12 x ESP8266 units each with a 30 pixel strip attached.

So 360 pixels in total.

Whole lot is connected to a WiFi AP.

Hardware limits me to 10 “strips” real or DDP (network).

Is there somewhere I can change this hard limit (and recompile) or another solution?


You may also need to verify how this affects other parts of the code as it has never been tested wit more than 10 buses.

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Have tried with that basic change.

Can go beyond 10 in the LED Settings but they don’t save and not receiving DDP data beyond the 10th unit.

Will keep combing the code…

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Have the same task and the same result.
Did you succeed?

Did y’all have any luck with this?
I found that if I manually modify the json config in a config backup and upload that config, I can talk to an 11th virtual bus, and it does send effects to it. But if I do that then the LED config page is broken, so this current limitation seems to be specific to the config page or serialization.

It is not possible to go beyond 10 buses.
Doing so would require modifying UI and some internal code.

always with the “can’t do it” :wink:

I know my use case is somewhat specific, but WLED effects are fantastic and I am using them to essentially have a low budget hue setup.

In my build I modified const.h to increase the number of virtual buses to 10 on top of the 10 real buses, then I uploaded a config with 16 buses (1 LED strip, 1 onboard LED, 14 individual bulb DDP targets).
This breaks the LED configuration UI but everything else works and I now have WLED effects streaming to my bulbs, so I’m happy.

I tried to look at the config UI but couldn’t figure out why it fails when trying to generate the ui, nor why save doesn’t actually save more than 10. Maybe if I can get debug logging to work I can figure out that piece.

Maybe there is a better solution to what I am trying to do, I’m not sure, but this works well for now and doesn’t require multiple esp32s.

whatever suits you.
but that may not be for everyone.

Yeah, this definitely won’t be for everyone (as with my disable-UDP-when-all-lights-off change).

But I imagine I’m not the only one who will want to run many bulbs in this way, and I wonder if there’s a way to incorporate this in a cleaner way.

In any case, I fixed the configuration UI for load/save. I would be very surprised if I have caught all of the possible edge cases, or found all the hardcoded places where the bus limit is 10.
commit is here that increases the bus limit to 100, including the config/ui changes:


i found using small esp8285 behind esp32(ETH) with wled 10 output virtual out (as kind of repeater) working much better than xlights directly to esp8285, problem is the 10 output limit, and I as well trying to bypass this limit but my coding knowledge is very low, so i search how to do it, neither if i broke some menu doesn’t mater i can use backup config json hand written… i have 20 pixels on each virtual output, so having 20,30 or 50 virtual output shouldn’t be hard for esp32 on ethernet…IMO

I am very interested in increasing the limit of 10 virtual outputs on ESP32, I would like to use about 60 bulbs GU10 Athom WLED , I am not an expert in programming, does anyone have a suitable firmware?