What is the best scenario for an environment where I need to have 3600 LEDs: having a single ESP32 board and dividing the LEDs between d1, d2, d3, d4, or using multiple ESP32 boards and dividing them? And should I make the connection using DDP? I have never used DDP, but I heard it’s not good…
They will all be in the same location (gaming setup) (and same Wi-Fi network), but the ESP32 has a limit on the number of LEDs it can handle. So, I thought about splitting these LEDs to avoid losing FPS… but someone told me that DDP doesn’t work well for synchronizing the other ESPs into one.
Yeah you could see some lag on ddp if you are aiming for 3600 but not necessarily , that may differ and can be improved if you have a dedicated network for your leds . I would still go with at least two MCUs option and even two separate PSUs and sync both the normal way (beside DDP which you do not need to use all the time )
I am considering using 3 MCUs and 3 PSUs for a more reliable setup. However, if I don’t use DDP, I will have to control the effects of each one separately. Is there any other way to control the effects of all of them at the same time? P.S.: I will only be using the default effects that come with WLED, nothing custom.
So when I went to the LED configuration and selected the DDP option, and entered the IP of the MCU, and in the quantity, I entered 1152 LEDs (2 strips per pin) (144 LEDs * 2 strips * 4 pins), a warning appeared saying it’s not recommended to have more than 800 LEDs per pin. However, it shows 288 LEDs per pin there. Is this a bug?
I had a test setup with 8 pins and 144leds/pin rgbw on one MCU, worked quite well. Only had the leds flashing white every once in a while. Data came from xlights via DDP.
Other setup had 4 pins per MCU with 270 rgbw leds per pin, worked perfect. Only sync didn’t want to sync the 4 MCUs. The operators had switch the lights on simultaneously.
btw. this working setup had 4416 rgbw leds.
For the PSU, it should have at least 2/3 of the max power of the leds. That very much depends on the color settings. Full white of course needs a larger PSU. 120% of the rated max power of the leds.
For power inject I always measure the voltage drop over the intended length of the strip.
The number of leds per pin also has an effect on the refresh rate.
It is 800kHz divided by 24 (for rgb) times number of leds, something like 41Hz for 800 leds.
Theoretically. WLED seems to slow it down a little.