MQTT JSON API Subtopic not working in V0.13.1

Hi yall, hope all is well.

I have followed the instructions for using MQTT to controly my WLED using the /api subtopic.

Firtsly I needed to confirm my MQTT setup is wokring at all, so I used as my broker and made a feed - I set it up in my wled settings and send a “off”/“on” on the base device topic works perfectly.

Then when I could see MQTT controll is working, I went to my device topic and subscribed it to the api subtopic

Then I tried sending a on/off toggle JSON payload accoriding to the docs, but not luck it does nothing. See below images of my before and after setup and what I tried sending:

I even looked at another user having similiar issues on this forum post, but I have doubled checked and my subtopic and payload is right.

What I have checked:

  • After chaning topic, I saved settings and rebooted:

  • Double Check Payload and Topic.

What am I missing here?

First I get scarred when i see v013.1 as that could be old , working example on latest build from here WLED installation (


Thanks I think I understand the problem now - the Device Topic registered on the WLED MQTT settings should not have the /api in the end. Its only once you publish to it you add the subtopic?

On the older version, yes I can update that, I just used what I had since MQTT supports has been present since 0.8.X. Do I have to flash my D1 mini with the latest version or can I update it from the WLED settings directly?

Thank you.

I do not think you can safely upgrade with OTA from that old builds , you could try first but it would be really best to flash with serial even if OTA works just to have a fresh fs