Hi yall, hope all is well.
I have followed the instructions for using MQTT to controly my WLED using the /api subtopic.
Firtsly I needed to confirm my MQTT setup is wokring at all, so I used io.adafruit.com as my broker and made a feed - I set it up in my wled settings and send a “off”/“on” on the base device topic works perfectly.
Then when I could see MQTT controll is working, I went to my device topic and subscribed it to the api
Then I tried sending a on/off toggle JSON payload accoriding to the docs, but not luck it does nothing. See below images of my before and after setup and what I tried sending:
I even looked at another user having similiar issues on this forum post, but I have doubled checked and my subtopic and payload is right.
What I have checked:
After chaning topic, I saved settings and rebooted:
Double Check Payload and Topic.
What am I missing here?