I have put a soundbar up on my wall above a window for, acting as a speaker for my PC. With the powerblock above it I decided that wanted something to cover it up, which led me to the idea of a scrolling LED matrix to be updated via WiFi. After lots of research I had come across the FadeCandy and thought that would be the best option, however this weekend I just found WLED with the ESP8266; and thought this would be the better option.
BTF-LIGHTING WS2812B 8X32 256 Pixel Flexible LED Matrix/Panel Individually Addressable DC5V
ESP8266 ESP-12F
- Can WLED be used to scroll text through the LED matrix? via API with Tweets and other sources
- Can WLED run both (two) LED matrix?
- Is there any other hardware needed? except 5v PSU
- Some sites mention about adding resistors and capacitors, will I need any? does it matter which orientation the components are soldered? what would be the best way for me to mount this controlling hardware?
Many thanks for your help