Need Advice Please - First LED Project

I have put a soundbar up on my wall above a window for, acting as a speaker for my PC. With the powerblock above it I decided that wanted something to cover it up, which led me to the idea of a scrolling LED matrix to be updated via WiFi. After lots of research I had come across the FadeCandy and thought that would be the best option, however this weekend I just found WLED with the ESP8266; and thought this would be the better option.

BTF-LIGHTING WS2812B 8X32 256 Pixel Flexible LED Matrix/Panel Individually Addressable DC5V

ESP8266 ESP-12F

  • Can WLED be used to scroll text through the LED matrix? via API with Tweets and other sources
  • Can WLED run both (two) LED matrix?
  • Is there any other hardware needed? except 5v PSU
  • Some sites mention about adding resistors and capacitors, will I need any? does it matter which orientation the components are soldered? what would be the best way for me to mount this controlling hardware?

Many thanks for your help

There is no matrix support yet, except for the sound-reactive version.

See wiki for more. :wink: