Basically these were mentioned in the description of the following video (can google if curious hit link limit):
HyperHDR on Rooted LG OLED 65C1
But for the life of me I can’t find any wiring for the 4 pin led strip seems most use a 3 pin when it comes to this board and then you connect to the D4 pin for communication. Do I need to buy something different?
Thanks, that makes sense looking at it now. However I’m still having issues even after soldering the clock and data wires to the controller… seems the only way I get any life out of them is by tapping the joints with my fingers the main page presets and brightness settings do nothing. Not sure what’s going on there I think I might have to take another stab at it after some sleep as I’ve toyed with this far to long tonight now. From what I can tell from the random light show I was getting, there doesn’t appear to be any flicker.
Did your power supply, Controller and LED’s share the same ground?
Also if you are having flickering problems make sure you are using one of the newer firmware versions like 14 b4 - b6, as there was a flickering problem with one of the versions.
‘While using an ESP8266 and LEDs that have clock and data, you can either use hardware SPI (mostly faster) or software SPI. - hardware SPI: use GPIO14 (SCLK) for clock and GPIO13 (MOSI) for data. - software SPI: since all pins can be changed in the Hardware section of LED settings, you can use any pins. Recommend is to use GPIO1 (TxD) for clock and GPIO2 (D4) for data.’
Okay I got home early and got this working where it is responding to my commands via the following:
Recommend is to use GPIO1 (TxD) for clock and GPIO2 (D4) for data.
I am noticing that perhaps I have some flicker under certain conditions such as dimming so as you said I think I may need a level shifter. Thanks so much for your help.