NTP Time

Am I doing something wrong that my NTP time won’t sync?

The year/month is always wrong, either 1970 or 2106:

I have tried to put in a UTC offset, which works, but by the morning the time is completely wrong again. I thought it may be a connectivity issue because I think ive set it up correct, but even with a booster 10’ away the Hours/Min are way off in the morning.

I have never been able to get the Year/month/day correct.

Try pointing it at your home router for NTP services.

That’s a good idea - I’ll give that a try tonight! Thanks!

Hey @huggy-d1, I tried various addresses for NTP services but still can’t seem to get things set up using the app. I used my home router address, google ntps ( & and a few other ones that I have found online, but nothing seems to get it remotely close.

I’ve reflashed my esp8266 from v10.0 to v10.2 and still have issues. I’m actually using 4 esps on my house lights, and I can’t get any of the esps to work. After the flash the time shows 1970, and after I enter an ip address, the time always seems to go to 2106-02-06, 23:30:00 - doesn’t matter what time of day.

I tried putting an off set in, cause I don’t really care about the date. But even with an offset, the time drifts by the morning.

Just curious if you have any other ideas.

DrZzzs posted a YT video over the weekend about configuring WLED. He has a small section where he configures NTP. Perhaps locate it and fast forward until you find that spot in the video and see what Dr Zzzs does differently.

Hi… I have some kind the same issue. running ver. 10.2 ESP8266.
Now, as long as its connected by usb, it gets the proper time and date.
As soon as I disconnect it and wire it, time and date (NTP) are set to1970.
Tried different servers, checked the router (tired different settings, portforwarding) and I even connected it to a open WiFi (default AP settings). No good… anybody a better idea?
I tried it with 3 seperate MCUs (reflash with wipe), still no good.

I’m a new user and had the same issue yesterday. I removed “0.wled” from the beginning and it worked. I.e. I just use pool.ntp.org.

@Galatron I haven’t had any luck either. I have tried everything that you mentioned, and I can’t figure it out. The curious thing I have found is that every time I reset it, the NTP always goes to Feb 6, 2106, 23:28:30. Doesn’t matter the date, or time when I reset it.

Honestly, I gave up on it.

I am using a Raspberry Pi and running Home Assistant to get things working. The one benefit to HA is that the ‘on’ can be set to ‘sunset’ with an offset if desired, so I don’t need to continually change the on time as the night gets earlier up North here.

Enable NTP services on your HA Pi. Then point WLED’s NTP to the IP of your HA Pi.

To skew the results, my time has been working fine as is. :wink:

I know, it’s weird. I have 2 nieghbors that have the same setup as far as ESP8266 controllers, same ISP, and their NTP time is working fine.

The one guy doesn’t dable too much with electricity/electronics, so I set up his controller, and his NTP works no problem.