On - off by time

Hello. how to organize programmatically that WLED at sunset turns on and off at a certain time?

Hi @Sskol2006,

Sunrise Macro:
for this you can create a “Preset” to “Power off” the Led strip & save the preset including segment settings & assign Preset ID and name it “Power Off” or any name you want. In Time & Macro setting >> in Sunrise Macro, assign the created “Preset ID”. this will do the work.

Sunset Macro:
select all designs/pattern you want to run on Led strip in different Presets then create a Playlist having all those presets, settings in Playlist are self-illustrated & get/assign a playlist ID & name to the playlist. >> in Sunset Macro, assign the created “Playlist ID”. this will do the work on sunset.

note one thing: when the device RESET due to power cut or you press the reset button, the device will start with “Boot Preset” so you need to change this in “Led Preference” setting and assign the preset ID that you wanna run when device starts.

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thank you! it all worked!