Only Analog A0 input works

II have set a potentiometer at A0/36 to change brightness (macro 250)
Now I want to set a second potentiometer to change the effect speed (macro 249)
I have tried all analog pins and only A0 works either for macro 247 or 250.
My potentiometer connections work fine.
How can I set up a second analog macro?

What ESP are you running on?

On ESP8266 Chipset boards either it is a D1 Mini or NodeMCU:
you can only have a single analog button/potentiometer on pin A0

If you are planning using more analog inputs, Please consider using an ESP32!

More about in this article from official WLED side.

Sorry for forgetting to mention. It is a FireBeetle ESP32 IoT Microcontroller (Part Number: DFR0478). Shouldn’t it be pins A0-A5?

I haven’t connected those myself, but there are notes in the KB: Analog buttons.
Looks like there are some limits on what you can use, even on the ESP32.
I don’t know if you can have multiple pots at the same time, but you’ll have to pick your GPIOs carefully.

Try one pot at a time on different GPIOs and see what works before combining.

The documentation says
“On ESP32, only ADC1 pins will work for analog input while WiFi is active (pins 32-39). ADC2 pins will not work.”
I have tried all ADC1 channels but none of the work for a single analog input. Only A0/36 works even if I use only one potentiometer, the others do not respond. Hence the question is how to enable A1-A4 analog inputs

There is no way enabling more Analog Pins.
It however is limited by the Board itself.

Was just looking at the code and it should allow multiple pots and/or GPIOs on an ESP32 (definitely only 1 on 8266).

What version of WLED are you running?
Under “Info” what does it give you for an Environment?
How many buttons do you have defined in total?

The version I am using is 0.14.0 Hoshi
environment esp32 v3.3.6-16-gcc5440f6a2 (0)
I have 2 buttons and 2 potentiometers
All work fine except for the second potentiometer. The strange thing is that even with 1 potentiometer, only A0 works!

Try removing the buttons completely and see if you can get 1 pot to work on different GPIOs.
If that works, try to get a 2nd pot working.
You can try different pot functions (brightness, speed.etc) as well.

I think I am having this same problem…
I have a esp32 dev1 it was working fine with 4 Potentiometers for brightness, speed, intensity, and color working on pins 34,35,36,39
I wanted to add a button that would change presets, So I compiled the newest version with
Erased, Flashed, and restored config, and presets.
The ISSUE is I am only getting one potentiometer working, (the first button on the list…) . If I disable the it IE: brightness, The next button number works but others still do not, and so on.
I have tried disabling all of them including the new push button, removed the gpio numbers, and even removing the values from macros and adding one at a time.
I even reset to default, skipped restoring presets and config; assigned the pins to buttons and values for buttons under macros and only one pot works and if i disable the working one the next in the line works, etc.

I have the same problem, ESP32, only pins 32 and up work for analog buttons, as expected, but only one at a time, no matter how pins are configured, tested everything. Normal buttons and touch buttons work without problems. Version 0.14.1

Has anyone tested that more than one analog button is actually working? I had a short look at the code when looking to reduce the time between analog reads, and it looked like there is only one aRead variable.

Haven’t really looked at the code yet though.

That’s fixed in the source.

I just downgraded to 13.3 and can confirm that two analog buttons are immediately working correctly. It didn’t work in 14.1.
something seems to be broken in the new version.

It is fixed in the source. It will be available in next release.
You can speed up availability of new release by providing feedback on beta version.

Thank you! I can confirm that it’s fixed in 14.2-b1!
I got an error (please check file) when using manual OTA to update from 14.1 to WLED_0.14.2-b1_ESP32.bin
I compiled WLED-0.14.2-b1 myself (with -D WLED_MAX_BUTTONS=10) and that did work when I OTA from 13.3 and also from 14.1 to 14.2-b1.
Not sure if WLED_0.14.2-b1_ESP32.bin has an error (