To preface my question, a little background… I’m doing curtains! I have two windows per room in five rooms. I’m going to run each room with one WLED controller (a Quin DigUno - two channels). Each window will be one matrix.
Each window will have 11 strands of 4 wire fairy pixels. Each strand is 5cm apart, and the LEDs are 5cm apart. They have a return wire (not a backup) that I will wire so the 11 strands will be effectively one long strand. Here’s the wiring diagram:
As I’m about to really dig into this, I’ve realized that each window has a wood “bar” in the center. This bar, annoyingly, falls in a bad place:
I’ve had one person, who is a VERY knowledgeable holiday decoration person, tell me to just leave it as is - from the distance nobody will see. BUT - I’m still curious.
My questions:
Is it possible to program WLED to do TWO matrixes per window, and to leave out/ignore one LED in the middle of each strand?
Should I cut out that one LED in the middle of each strand and add a small length of wire? And then do I need to somehow “program” WLED to know this, and again, maybe make each window have TWO matrixes?
Should I change the positioning so I have one LED just at the top and bottom of the wood bar? They’re close, the bottom of each LED just touches the wood - the diagram above shows that wood bar a bit thicker than it actually is.
I’m very much leaning towards that last one - shifting the LEDs to straddle the bar, and keeping each window as one matrix. BUT - I would very much like to hear opinions. Thanks!