Playlist finer time resolution?

Right now, it seems like the timing only allows 1/10th of a second, 100 ms.
Would it be hard to change the code to allow 10 ms or 1ms resolution?
Is this just an HTML GUI issue or is the timing variable not have enough resolution? int vs float?

All timings are done in ms internally.

So its a GUI / HTML issue?

Design decision.

THANKS @blazoncek.

Can you tell me where I would go in code to hard code a preset/playlist time in milliseconds, since I can’t send it down through app.


So maybe I could use the if null to modify specific playlists to be very specific milliseconds.
Push down a playlist with 0 and it’d use my hard coded 532 milliseconds for example.

500ms is achievable by entering 0.5 into UI

Ya. I need finer resolution then that.