Question regarding Chase3 Preset

New here and new to WLED. My question pertains to the Chase3 preset and how it operates. I currently have a string of 154 pixels and the 3 colors work as expected in the chasing format, but at some point the “chase” stops and the 3 colors are shown in the non moving pattern. Is this the way it’s suppose to operate? My thought was that the chase would be continuous.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

It should continuous as i tested on 512 led setup on latest 15.0.b6 . Might be something else as I am not sure when you say "at some point " because I kept the effect for around 2 min .

Were you using the default pallet? Sometimes picking other ones with certain fx results in weird things.

I will try the beta version. What I meant was the 3 colors will “chase” each other for a minute or so and then freeze and then after about 10 seconds, it will start up again.

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No I’m choosing my own colors of red, white and blue.

Sure I get what you said but I could not reproduce the issue as it does not freeze when I tested , try on latest and if you face the issue again post more details

Still make sure you are doing like the pic.

Jinx, that’s exactly how mine is setup.


@Jinx , I tried to upload a zip’d video but I can’t since I’m a new user but I have confirmed my settings are as shown in your post and I have also tried a different Dig-Uno.

Are you using more than 1 segment maybe?

Only 1 is setup.

What’s interesting is that when I use the “Peak” feature from my Safari access to the WLED controller, it also “freezes”.

I would try reflashing the controller. Maybe something is corrupt.

I did that also, to the latest beta and it’s the same. I’m going to try a different brand of pixels and maybe changing the value of the signal resistor.

I do not think that you need to change the HW , simple thing you could do is look at the effect on peek , does it also stop ? That is if you select the effect directly and not in a playlist …etc

@ALDIY , that’s the strange part, it also stops when displaying it on the Peek function.

If that is the case on latest ( i could not reproduce that ) when you select the effect directly without playlist or preset then file a bug report . You would need to add more info thought as you did not really provide any details of your setup

I will probably submit a bug report tomorrow. I just want to test a few things. My setup is pretty straight forward. I’m using a Dig Uno running version 0.15.0-b7 of WLED connected to a 50 watt 5v 10 AMP Mean Well power supply which has 154 5v Pixels connected to it. The total length of pixels and power feed is about 32 feet. I have also attached a capture of my LED Setup page.

Happy to report this issue has been resolved by factory resetting the Dig Uno at the recommendation of @ALDIY .