Running a playlist on startup with usermod

I am running WLED 0.14.0 on a ESP32 because I like how the segments can now be controlled independently. ty @blazoncek.

I am also running a usermod because I need 2 button states to trigger a new preset.

However, the applypreset on startup feature now does not work. I think my usermod is running and changing the selected preset before the “on startup” preset completes.

Any tips how I can fix this?

Fix your usermod?

Any tips how I can delay the usermod from engaging without using wait(), delay(), etc?

I tried putting a wait in the userSetup() loop in usermod.cpp, but it did not work as intended.

There are some examples in existing usermods.
Start timing at the first execution of loop().

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maybe like this?:

if (millis() - lastTime > 1000) {
lastTime = millis();

if UserModDelay =1 {
my code

to delay my usermod on startup?

Something in that line, but a bit more involved.