Scrolling an image (animated image) across a 2D matrix?

I saw a tutorial for animating images on wled which used a different preset for every frame of animation.
However I wanted to create an animation of space invaders moving across the matrix. If I use the above method it would use up too many presets.
It would be a lot easier if I just uploaded the 2 frames of animation and then scrolled the images to mimic movement.
Is there a way of doing this in wled?

Use the gif branch GitHub - Aircoookie/WLED at gif-fix

Thanks for the suggestion! Do you have any info on how this works? Does it allow for scrolling oversized gifs horizontally & vertically? Or does it just export all the frames of the gifs into wled presets?

It just plays a gif you selected . Why not do the scrolling in gif itself and not in wled .

Thanks, makes sense!

Yeah , Had to make the video really small and low quality to fit on discource size limit but looks much better on fixture and you get the idea

ha thanks for the vid, are those purple skulls on your gif or is it just my morbid imagination?!

I just about stumbled my way through the manual compilation and upload process but can’t figure out how you are supposed to display the gifs?
There is an image preset that doesn’t seem to do anything and then I found a gifplayer.htm tool to upload the gifs but although it says the gifs are uploaded successfully, the ‘show’ and ‘save preset’ buttons do nothing. I tried with multiple frame gifs and much smaller double frame gifs. No error messages during build or at any point. Am I missing something obvious?

You can load your gif files under wled-ip/edit . Select the image effect and change the segment name to be the same as your gif file name even with the extension and then save that preset and it will work .


Brilliant, that did the trick, thanks a lot! Now time to get creative with the gifs!

For the gifs ,the scrolling can be done in photoshop but I do not have it and can not download apps so I am still trying to find a site that would do that