Seeking Guidance for Hyperion Project with PC and TV using ESP8266 D1 Mini

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out for assistance and guidance regarding a Hyperion project I am eager to undertake. As a beginner in this field, I am seeking your expertise to help me successfully implement this project.

My objective is to create a Hyperion project that involves connecting my PC and TV using the ESP8266 D1 Mini. I am excited about exploring the capabilities of this platform and the potential it offers for enhancing my visual experience.

However, given my limited experience in working with the ESP8266 D1 Mini and setting up such projects, I would greatly appreciate any guidance and support you can provide. Specifically, I am seeking assistance with the following:

  1. Understanding the necessary hardware components required for this setup, including any additional peripherals or accessories that may be needed.
  2. Detailed instructions on how to configure the ESP8266 D1 Mini to communicate with both the PC and TV effectively.
  3. Suggestions for suitable software libraries or frameworks that can facilitate the integration of Hyperion with the ESP8266 D1 Mini and ensure optimal performance.
  4. Any specific considerations or best practices that I should keep in mind while implementing this project.

I am committed to learning and investing the necessary time and effort into this project. Your guidance would be instrumental in helping me navigate the complexities and gain a solid understanding of the entire process.

Thank you very much for your attention and support. I look forward to hearing from you and embarking on this exciting Hyperion project.

I achieved what you are trying to achieve with an arduino nano
lookup a project called adalight and prismatik

prismatik runs on pc
after you have configured # leds and data pin for Leds , flash to arduino
config prismatik for com port and # leds and orientation of leds good to go

or use WLED like here

just plug the D1 in the USB goto the install page
upload the 14 or 15 Version
Follow the steps to hook the ESP up to your Network
Get you the Ambientelight Maybe just WS2812b hook this up to the power
For testing <100LED in CONFIG just plug in the 5V to the board
use your smartphone connect via AP to the D1 WLED
Password is wled1234
and you are up and running