Hi all,
Thought I’d just share my basement setup.
But first, many thanks to Aircoookie and all other contributors for such awesome project. This is the most polished comprehensive LED setup out there. Thank you!
A bit of background…long ago, I had setup a simple Arduino with some WS2812B strips around the back of my basement TV, and ran an unofficial version of the Prismatik software found on Reddit here
Worked great, but then upgraded TV from a 46" to a 65", got lazy, didn’t redo the whole back LED thing.
At some point last year, I discover the awesome ESP8266. Had already SmartThings and Home Assistant integrated, found the Griswold-LED-Controller library, added a device handler for ST, get it automated with HA, start sticking LED strips all over the place in the house.
Wouldn’t it be great to get this back in my basement again?? ok…Modified the library to add serial communications, yay, Ambilight, this time accessible through wifi working again! (not in a very stable way though)
Finally WLED…love at first sight! Reflashed all my ESPs, love it. Should I do my basement TV one as well…WLED has a “hyperion” mode etc etc…ok, let’s do it, we’ll figure hyperion out later.
I connect the ESP to a USB port (which has power even when PC is off), connect strip to outlet, turn PC on…SURPRISE!! Works out of the box with Prismatik!!
The result: Right here
This is the opening of the American Gods TV show, which I found was a very good way of demonstrating Ambilight/Hyperion.
The strip doesn’t even need to be turned on for this to start. As soon as the serial communication is active the LEDs start lighting up.
Between this and my 7.1 surround sound, I love being down there!
Thanks WLED!