Segment Checkbox

Hi all,
what effect has the checkbox in the segemnts. I cant find anything changing if they are checked on or off.



When the box is checked, any UI changes are applied to segment 0. If the box is not checked, changes are not applied to that segment.

Useful if you have say 10 segments and you want the even segments to all behave the same way, and the odd segments to also behave the same way, but they are different between the even and odd segments.

Check boxes for 0,2,4,6,8 and adjust. Then reset them all, and set 1,3,5,7,9 and adjust. Now you can uncheck them all and they will be doing what you set. If you then check them all, you can adjust say the speed or intensity of all of them, but they could have different effects and color palettes running.

This is verry helpful. Thanks. I have searched and there Are a lot of different you tubes, this forum, ans also Some explenations on the wled Homepage, but no Full documentation to found anywhere, or did i overseen something?

The closest I have found is the WLED wiki page.
It is outdated seconds after any new release. Generally the wiki relies on people like you and me, WLED end users, to get and keep it updated.

If you are so inclined, I invite you to add or update the wiki with information useful to other WLED users or potential WLED users.

If you decline the invitation, perhaps you can find other ways to help out fellow WLED users. I find posting in this discourse group and sometimes in the WLED issues area is what I have time for, and can easily work that support time into my schedule. Others find using the WLED discord server works for them. Others create usermod enhancements. Others contribute to the main WLED code base.

It really is a fantastic concept that has grown far beyond what I think @Aircookie ever dreamed. I personally think it is fantastic and gets better with every new release.

Huggy-D1, thanks. I was confused as well. Is this the ‘save’ button for the selected segment? If now, what does it do?
Segment Save button

If you Do Changes in the Segment settings , they apply to the strip /Segment as soon as you Click this Button.

After messing around with the unit and reading the WIKI, I thinkg this is what is happening:

The small check box to the upper left of the segment indicates what segment or segments (as you can check multiple segments at one time) to apply settings to. If you now change the color or effects, this happens immediatly. If you want to save the settings to the segments, hit the big checkbox button to the right of the segment settings to save the updated segment settings.