Separate brightness for effects and Overlay Analog clock

Analog clock is poorly visible when used in conjunction with effects.
Made some minor changes. Now the brightness of the effects is still adjustable, and the brightness of the clock is always 100%.


void SetPixelColor(uint16_t indexPixel, RgbwColor color)
switch (_type) {
case NeoPixelType_Grb: {
if (!myFullBri) {
_pGrb->SetPixelColor(indexPixel, RgbColor(color.R*bri/255, color.G*bri/255, color.B*bri/255));
_pGrb->SetPixelColor(indexPixel, RgbColor(color.R, color.G, color.B));
void SetBrightness(byte b)
b = 255;;


myFullBri = true;
if (!analogClockSecondsTrail) strip.setPixelColor(secondPixel, 0x500000);
strip.setPixelColor(minutePixel, 0x0000FF);
strip.setPixelColor(hourPixel, 0x00FF00);
myFullBri = false;

If the code is not correct, please tell me.

It would not be bad to include the “Brightness Analog clock” option in the settings or in the sketch.


I agree that the visiblility of the clock can be poor with the analog clock and effects running at the same time. A different suggestion was also made to turn off the pixels directly next to the clock “hands”.
Dimming down the segments similar to what your code does will soon be possible using the segment opacity option!

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Is this setting option available now and where can I find it?

I Do not agree at 100% brightness for the clock
I did use Clock in Starsearch Nights and ther is even 5 as of 0-255 bright enoph for visible clock

so hardcoding this is not a good thing
what about the sliders at eatch preset
they do a great job for overlaying things

It depends on envirerment and Daytime as well as location
Please do not change this to Hardcode