Sound reactive with scrolling text?

Is there a code branch that has BOTH audio (sound reactive) AND scrolling text for the ESP32 please ?

These features seem to be mutual exclusive from release 0.13.3 - anyone have any idea why ?

I’ve build a 1024 LED panel that I’d like to use for effects and information behind a band.
I tried running two ESP32’s into the LEDs data line (each with the appropriate f/w release) but the electronics were having none of it.
Fortunately, I didn’t fry anything grasping at straws trying :slight_smile:

Regardless of this, WLED is just awesome and many thanks to all those who have created this amazing software.

Use 14 with audio usermod from here WLED installation ( and you shell have audio and text

Many thanks for the suggestion but I’ve been there and tried that before posting and no text scrolling that I can see (unless the effect has been renamed and doesn’t have either word in it anymore).
I installed the latest release available of ESP32 (4MB Flash, with Audio reactive Usermod) v0.14.0-b3 “Hoshi” build 2307180 from the Nightly build and build 2306270 from the 0.14.0 beta 3 section but no text scrolling that I can see. The sound reactive stuff works wonderfully with either analogue or I2S inputs.

What am I missing ? Other than scrolling text :slight_smile:

Did you setup your unit in 2D if so then you should see the effect called scrolling text

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That’s so obvious I completely missed it !
You are of course completely correct that the 2D effects (now including text scrolling|) don’t show up at all until you’ve configured a 2D matrix to use them on. That makes perfect sense.
As I’ve been playing with a separate ESP32 connected to a single string of 300 LEDs just for testing, initially to swap to I2S digital input, I hadn’t been bothering to configure them fully as I’ve been changing the firmware so often.
Many thanks for the pointer - next stop to sus out overlays with text and synchronising multiple boards - this stuff is just incredible (and great fun).

Text is great with overlay , just in case you want to change the text with the api and not change the segment name manually then use that
{“seg”:[{“id”:0,“n”:“Your custom ASCII text”}]}