Sync with multiple hue bulbs

I have two controllers setup and I want them to sync to different hue bulbs, but they both react when I make changes to the linked bulb. One shows hue link is active the other shows inactive.

Not sure if this is supposed to happen or?

Hi, yes, that is the UDP sync feature to sync multiple WLED devices to the same setting.
You can go into Sync settings, and uncheck Send Philips Hue change notifications in the WLED broadcast section.

So doing that will let me sync each device to a different hue bulb?

Currently I have 5 hue bulbs and 2 esp8266 (more on the way), if I change that setting can i sync my node mcu to bulb 1 and my d1mini to bulb 4?

Yes, of course that is possible. I would set the polling interval on one lamp to maybe 2000ms and the other to 2400ms, that should make sure there is no performance impact on your Hue bridge.

Cool thank-you, I will give that a shot when I get home from work tomorrow

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This worked perfectly after I changed the setting in both devices thanks!

Maybe you could make a note in the hue sync section of the UI hopefully help anyone in the future who has this question as I didn’t see it anywhere before asking here.

Thanks again for your help

Glad you got it working!