

I se that I can select a preset upon powering the board but can that be different depending on time if the day? Is there any work around? I don’t want bright light in the evening and vice versa

Yes, macros are your friend. You can do many things with them based on time of day. I would recommend using at least V0.11.0 as the presets are a little more user friendly. Just create some presets, then set what time you want the presets to be activated. You can even make a preset to turn the LED’s off.

Since I using is at wall-lamp I switch it on/off and therefore I would like it to start up at different present based on what time it is.

This is what I can tell not possible as of what you are explaining?

I don’t think there would be a way to do that. The controller would need to be running at the time the macro is set for. Turning the switch on will just load the power on preset I believe.