Trying to Set an on off Time

Ok so I’m super new… I have a light strip I think would be cool to turn on at night and off very early morning. I don’t understand what I need to be doing…
I also have a Raspberry Pi.
Is there a simple way of doing this? Maybe on at 8p (2000) and off at 12a (0000)

Use timed macros for on (&T=1) and off (&T=0). You will also need to enable “Get time from NTP server” and set your time zone.

The NTP server time is on and set… do I just put &T=1 in the first line &T=0 in the second and add them to the timed at the bottom?



Fantastic Thanks for your help. Where would you send someone to start learning them and what they do. Did a search and currently
watching Dr Zz…

All is in the wiki. :wink: