Upgrading to WLED from ESPHome

Hi folks,
I’ve been running ESPHome on some ESP8266’s 1M (D1 Minis) and it’s been work great using the neopixelbus platform. But I just saw a YT video about WLED on the channel ResinChemTech and I gotta say it looks fantastic. I have a use for virtual controllers. Any way, is it possible to flash the .bin OTA using the ESPhome device webserver? I tried a few different bins but it keep reporting back: Update Failed: ERROR[4]: Not Enough Space. This is even using the WLED_0.11.1_ESP8266_1M.bin file.

I can get to the D1 mini’s but it isn’t easy, hence trying to do a OTA upgrade.
Thanks heaps for any advice.

No you can not OTA to esp01 ( that is the 1MB esp8266 ) .You need to serial flash that using esptool or the easy way using this tool WLED-wemos-shield/resources/Firmware/WLED_ ESP_Flasher at master · srg74/WLED-wemos-shield · GitHub and do not use 11.1 as that is very old so go for 15.0.b7

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