Hello Lighting Community,

I was going through version 15-b4 feature highlights and came across very amazing feature (although experimental for now) if not interpreted wrong we’ll be able to drive 17 parallel LED strips with just one ESP32, if this work, this can solve my holiday home lighting project complexities (which I tried with SYNC feature to sync 10 + 10 strings).

I want to utilize/try this feature, can anyone here please help me with understanding on how to use this feature, I can compile the code to upload on my ESP32 board but don’t know which file to include or edit.


There is no need to do anything.
The only limitation is number of LEDs per output. It has to be below 300 for parallel I2S to kick in.
And of course you’ll need latest sources for your compile. b4 may not work automagically.

thanks @blazoncek for replying, may be that’s why when I updated my ESP32 with version 15-b4, in Led preference I can see it was allowing me to add more then 10 ports/points but not able to use more than 10 GPIOs…
Now I understand I need to compile & upload the latest available repository, one thing I’m not getting it says need to use WLED_USE_PARALLEL_I2S during compile, is this a file / Usermod or line I need to add and where should I add this. do I need to compile using “platformio.ini” override file as we use to do earlier or just need platformio.ini, please help!

I’m not well versed in identifying proper ports so can you please also guide me what should I look for in ESP32 pin diagram to identify I2S ports or usable ports in context of utilizing maximum ports.

Thanks again…


The flag WLED_USE_PARALLEL_I2S is no longer necessary. b4 does work but has an issue in LED settings if you use ABL.
ESP32 has a muxer so any pin is I2S capable (except RO pins).

Thanks @blazoncek for replying, understood, so for using this function I just need to edit “platformio.ini” file (selecting the ESP/Broard name) and straight forward compile & upload through Platform IO to my ESP32 or need to use platformio_override.ini file (which I’m not seeing in current WLED’s git folder) or installing directly “Nightly Build - Standard version” from will also solve the purpose

Thanks again…
