Where is Effect speed & intensity in 0.14 and later?

Please excuse me if I’m missing something obvious.

I was using WLED 0.13.x a while ago (last Christmas), and set up some presets using the sliders for Effect speed and Effect intensity.

I’ve just updated to 0.15.0 and those sliders aren’t there. I checked in 0.14 and they aren’t there either. I went back to 0.13 and they are.

So how do I control the speed and intensity of Effects now?


This is what I’m talking about, screenshot from 0.13

The Speed and Intensity sliders only appear for effects that can use them (obviously Solid can’t).

The idea is to try and provide the tools you need for the effect you’re using and eliminate what’s spurious for that effect.

This change happened in 0.14.4+(???)

Thanks! On 0.13 they did show for every effect, but it does make sense to only show when usable. Example: